When it comes to steering small nonprofits toward success, Spur & Sprout’s guidance of organizations such as the York Youth Symphony Orchestra has left an indelible mark on their futures.
The York Youth Symphony Orchestra, a community-focused musical organization, found itself at a crossroads, searching for a strategic plan to help it navigate the complexities of the nonprofit world. Jessica Ferrari, President of the YYSO board, and Bryce Kruger, Vice President, were determined to find the right partner to help their organization take the next big step.
“We knew that we were looking for some strategic visioning and planning, and we figured that bringing somebody outside of our own circle would help push us along in the right way,” Bryce says. “When you have a board and a group, you all have ideas and feelings, but sometimes you don’t always listen to each other without someone who has just pure, unbiased, more objective perspectives.”
Their search led them to Heather Maneval, founder of Spur & Sprout, whose diverse experience in the nonprofit sector and successful track record made her a prime candidate for guiding the organization. After several conversations and a deep dive into their shared visions, the YYSO knew it had found the perfect match.
‘Establish a shared understanding’

Under Heather’s guidance, the YYSO board began working on a strategic plan that would breathe new life into the organization. Heather’s expertise and experience shone through the entire process. She really understood our struggles as a board, what we were feeling, and what we were wanting to move towards,” Jessica says.
One of the most significant achievements of the strategic plan was providing the YYSO with a firmer grasp of its goals. Heather unified board members’ perspectives, fostering an environment where all could be heard and creating a structure for moving forward.
“She helped us establish a shared understanding of what we were moving towards,” Bryce says.
The final strategic plan rallied the team around three organizational goals:
Solidify operations and shift the organization’s focus to strategy and revenue development; Grow the York Youth Symphony Orchestra’s community of supporters, partners, and promoters; Continue to provide young musicians with training and experiences that serve as the foundation for a musical career. Each goal included actionable objectives, strategies, and work plans.
A flexible approach
One of the standout features of Spur & Sprout’s approach is its flexibility, Jessica says. She appreciated Heather’s organizational skills and her ability to adapt to the team’s ever-changing schedules. They allowed the board to work through its challenges efficiently.
Unlike many consulting firms, Spur & Sprout avoids one-off engagements and one-time planning retreats. “I don’t see a lot of value in them,” Heather says. “For small nonprofits that are mostly volunteers, you need a lot of time with them.” By having conversations with stakeholders, using focus groups, and taking assessments, Heather explored the underlying issues that were holding the YYSO back.
The most rewarding aspect of working with Heather was something that extended beyond the specifics of the final strategic plan: Jessica and Bryce valued her candid approach. She didn’t promise perfection but gave them a realistic view of the road ahead. Heather’s personable yet direct manner made YYSO board members feel that they were heard and seen, Bryce says. She helped them come together as a unit, addressing the organization’s challenges head-on even in situations where there was friction.
For the YYSO, the future holds the promise of stability, inclusivity, and community engagement. The board aims to bridge gaps and lead by example, fostering an environment where anyone can be part of the organization.
‘A great place to start’
For other small nonprofits considering the development of a strategic plan, Jessica and Bryce believe it’s important to make the investment, even if doing so seems daunting.
“If you have the financial means to do it, do it. And if you don’t have the financial means to do it, find a way to do it,” Jessica says. “A strategic plan is an investment in the future of your organization, and it’s absolutely worth it.”
For nonprofits in need of a solid strategy and a roadmap to guide them to their goals, a phone call with Spur & Sprout is a step in the right direction. “A conversation isn’t a commitment,” says Bryce. “It’s a great place to start.”